Making Strides: Breaking Barriers and Shapping the Future. The Moana Cup Release!

17 Mar

In the dynamic world of community football, women are carving out thier place on and off the field, challenging sterotypes and pushing boundaries. The ingural Moana Cup, to be played on the 24th March 2024 is a grass roots initative to demonstrate the presence and power of South Auckland's women's footballing community.

The Moana Cup, donated by local Mangere-Otahuhu board Member Christine O'Brien will be used to a symbol of women's football in South Auckland. The one day tournament, will be played at Seaside Park, Otahuhu will host 4 different clubs from across the region all at different stage in the womens game. 

This ground breaking tournament will take center stage during women's and girls month, will foster an atmosphere of camaraderie and competition between teams . 

The Moana Cup preseason tournament not only serves as a plaftorm for teams to fine tune heading into the season but also as a celebration of of diversity and inclusion with the footballing community. Players of all backgrounds coming together to showcase thier talents and forge lasting connections both on and off the field

The tournament will empathsize the importance of providing opportunities for women to participate and excell in football, highlighting the transformative power of the sport in empowering individuals and communities. 

Massive thank you to Christine O'Brien for her contribution to our footballing legacy

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