Our Strategy , Our Vision

Our Purpose: ‘To provide Otahuhu and surrounding Communities with a safe and enjoyable environment where preparation, practice and hard work generate opportunities for success on and off the field’.
Our Vision: ‘To build and connect people through football, enriching them and the community’.
Otahuhu United AFC is a community club and we aim to bring the best out of our community. Our values are Enjoyment, Inclusiveness, Leadership, Respect and Teamwork. These core values are the drives for all that happens at our club.
Our strategic plan that covers 2023 to 2026 reflects these values, purpose and vision.
The three focus areas for the club are
- Growth
- Equity and Diversity
- Club Re\veiw and Developement
Growth means - Football growth in the community and surrounding suburbs with a focus on schools and all levels of the game (juniors, youth, girls and mens participation)
Equity and Diversity means - access for all. Focus areas will be retention, girls and womens football development, external opportunities and cultural recongnition
Club Review and Development means - Completing a club health check and planning for continuous development. Focuses will be operational processes, leadership and governance facilities and finanical stability.