
This page details the current major projects the club is currently working on. This has been set up to keep everyone informed of the going ons around the club, programme development and Seaside Park. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to our club secretary, Tasha West or club chairman Stephen West . Watch this space
1. Clubroom refurbishment
- With the help of Auckland Council and the local Otahuhu-Mangere board, our clubrooms are expected to go through a massive refurbishment for 6 to 8 weeks at the end of 2021 / begining of 2022. Our club rooms have not had major investment since early 2001. The club rooms will be out of bounds for all during this time and once the club has the approved plan we wil be in touch.
2. Storage Container Replacement
- Recently just completed, the club has been working for three years to replace our current storage container as it it starting to show the effects of weather damage suffered through the years. The new container is located in the carpark and offers more storage space and better postioned to service the teams needing gear for game day and trainings. The club is currently working on a traffic management plan for the carpark so we can ensure safety of members and the public
3. Seaside Park Community Sports Hub
- The club is exploring the oppportunity to transform Seaside Park into a community sports hub. This will allow more sports codes to ulitise the park and also service the increasing demand for sports facilities in the Tamaki Makaru area. This is a long term project that will not only benefit the club but also the wider Otahuhu community. Recent examples of community sports hubs are: Taukau Community Sports Hub at John Light Body Reserve, The Lloyd Elsmore Community Hub at Llyod Elsmore Park and The Pullman Sports Hub in Papakura. The club is in the initial phase exploring the feasiabilty and demand trends for Seaside Park. Further updates will be posted as milestones are achieved
4. Operating System Update - Friendly manager
- Friendly manager was brought in to help with registrations and background adminstration work. Having excelled in it's first year of service we look to utilise more of this online tool and roll out access to our coaches and managers for the upcomnig 2022 season.
5. South Auckland Junior Football Cluster
- In 2021, us and four other South Auckland Football Clubs (Mangere, Otahuhu, Manukau, Papatoetoe AFC& South Auckland Rangers) banded our resources together to give the children of South Auckland a football experience they would never forget. The idea for this is to give the children the best first football experience so we can continue to grow and develop football in the South Auckalnd community. Held every Saturday morning through the winter season children spend 2 hours being a part of the football community enjoying games and activities to improve their skills and confidence levels. The ulitmate aim is to see children play and have fun. We hope to conitnue this programme in 2022 and make it bigger and better
To keep to date on our projects, please follow our social media platforms (instagram and facebook) and if you wish to receive regular email updates reach out to the club and arrangements can be made