Girls / Women's Football

At Otahuhu United we are all about being a supportive family envirnomrnt. We aim to break barriers through sport. In 2020 w kick started our women's football program to give the girls and women of our community the opportuntiy to succeed through physiclal activity. Over the past 2 seasons, we have seen the biggest increase in girls participation and we want to continue that growth.
Click here for NRF Gender Equity Plan
Equal opportunity, equality of gender, champions of tomorrow
The focuses of our girls / women's space are to give them a safe envirnoment to be themselves whilst being active. Our focuses are in line with Sport NZ's womens report from 2021
1 Focus on Wellbeing
Enhance young women’s holistic wellbeing by creating opportunities and environments in which young women can thrive, enhancing wellbeing rather than adding stress and pressure
2. For young women, with young women
Take time to engage with them, understand their world, their fears, their concerns, their worries, their aspirations, their motivations and their wants.
3. Every move counts
Value and encourage all forms of physical activity and some physical activity is better than none.
4. For 'the feels'
‘Feel good’ moments are key motivators for young women and most of the time these come from fulfilling their own goals and aspirations, not from competitive results.
5. Free of judgement
Create physical and social environments free of judgement, embarrassment and expectation
6. Young women as leaders
Create opportunities to give them a voice and a platform to lead
7. The power of sisterhood
Use the power of friendship and peers to motivate young women to join and engage in activity by creating offerings that encourage social connection
8. Not just for the sporty
Quality physical activity can look like, feel like and sound like lots of different things, not just traditional sport
If this interests you and you're keen to join us, click here to register now

First Kicks / Fun Football
Girls are eligable to play football from the age of 4 however they will play in mixed teams. They will play in mixed teams until the age 12 unless there is enough girls in the same age group to allow for an all girls team.
From the age of 4 and until they turn 9, you're child will be a part of the South Auckland Junior Cluster programme. This programme consists of four football clubs combining together on Saturday mornings during the season to participate in activities and games. This activities and games are targetted at growing a passion and a love for being active. The four clubs envolved are South Auckland Rangers (SAR) Mangere Utd (MU) Manukau City / Utd (MCAFC) and Otahuhu Utd.
You will travel amongest these clubs and learn, experience and most of all have fun. Coaches in this grade are there to ensure this is the best possible envirnoment to have fun and learn.
We run fun training sessions every Wednesdayunder lights from 5:30pm until 6:30pm during the season.
Our South Auckland Junior Cluster programme, runs for roughly 16 weeks, aligning with school terms 2 and 3. Wet weather cancelations will impact the season length however if there is an opportunity to recover those lost game days, they will be scheduled at the end of the season.
To find out more about the South Auckland Junior Cluster, please click the link and follow the facebook group - South Auckalnd Junior Cluster
Fees are reviewed every two years to ensure they do not become a barrier to participation - click here for the fee break down

Junior Football
When your child turn's 9 and until the age of 12 they fall under regional football body, Northern Region Football (NRF). They are entered into the relevant age group competiton and begin thier journey to learning football's fundamentals. If numbers allow, your child will be placed in an all girls team however more often than not teams are mixed.
They will travel region wide, playing against different clubs from South Auckland. Kick off times and opposition are confirmed on the Friday at 4pm prior to the game on Saturday. The season length with vary depending on school holidays and wet weather cancelations.
Your child will be put into a team of their age group and will typically train one night a week with thier team, however this is dependant on the coach. Training nights are either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights. The coach or manager of the team will be in touch to let you know
For more information, please click the link to the Under 9 to under 12 junior home page - Junior Home Page. This page has online resources for junior refereeing, coaching and also match day game play in which your child will particpate in.
Youth Football
When your child turn's 13 and until the age of 19. They fall into the youth bracket of Northern Region Football. Depending on numbers your child could be playing upto 2 years their senior. This is all determined by the age group and division they are placed into.
At this age, we shift focus from a fun orienated mindset to a balance is better approach. This balance is better approach looks at your child's loading in terms of sports to ensure they are not pressured, stressed or doing too much sport. We work with your child school to ensure they balanced in all aspects.
Training demands will very from age group, and team they are in however the coach or manager will let you know. Training nights are often Tuesday, Wendesday or Thursday nights and could be acorss multiple nights.
When your child is 14, they are now eligable to play senior women's football. This will be a discussion between your coach and then the club if they want to take this opportunity.
Gamedays will vary depending on the age group of the team, 13 to 14 year old girls will play on Saturday's (usually around midday) whereas if 15 or older, play on Sunday mornings.

Senior Women's Football
Senior Women's football is open to the age groups 14 and older. Senior women's football is played on Sunday and times will vary depending on the competition they are in. It is encouraged that a plate of food be brought through after each home game to share with both teams.
Teams usually train a minimum of once a week, sometimes more depending on the coach or manager. The length of the season will vary depending on the number of teams in the division. All senior teams are entered into Northern Region Football knockout cup and plate competitions with the potential of reaching finals dayto play for the respective cup, plate at the end of the season.
Playing Strip
- The Club will supply the Players team shirt, green shorts and yellow socks. This will be handed to the team coaches and managers of the team.
- It is mandatory to have shin pads and the appropiate footwear. If unsure where to obtain, please reach out to the club
Senior Fees Policy 2023 Season:
All Fees to be paid in full before the 31 May. The player will be red flagged and removed from any team list until the balance of fees has been paid up.
Payment plans can be arranged and should any payments be missed the player will be subject to the above implications
Additional late fees will be applied to all late / missed payments by the club
Any fees still unpaid one month after the player has been stood down, will signify that the player is defaulting on their commitment and the club will start the collection process with the relevant debt collection agency
Senior Fines Policy 2023 Season:
All fines are to be paid /disputed within 28 days of the Invoice being issued by the Club.
If the fine is not paid after 28 days, an administration fee will be applied by the club.
If the fine is still outstanding after 60 days of the original invoice being issued by the club, the player will be stood down until the total amount owing is paid in full.
If the Original Fine is still outstanding after 90 days from the club issuing the invoice, then the club will start the debt collection process with Baycorp.
If a team plays a player that has been stood down for unpaid fines/ fees, the club will default that game and any additional fines will be passed onto the team

Opportunties in Football
There are mulitple opportunities in football besides a playing career. We are alwasy on the hunt to increase the number of girls / women in roles throughout the club.
We are always in need of more female coaches, women referees, club volunteers, club committee members and also women development officers.
Any courses or clinics that relate this roles could be subsidized or completely covered by the club to help you progress. Please indicate when you register on what volunteer roles you can help with.
To register - click here